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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Well, Black Friday Weekend has past. No sales. I don't know what cyber Monday will bring. Time will tell. The holiday season is here and I'll hope things will sell on the websites. There is a lot of competition out there all you can do is try. I put some on pinterest :


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving and Black Friday Weekend

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it is very enjoyable for everyone. Also a Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate it.
So, Black Friday Weekend is upon us. Will it be a busy one? Will people be busy buying online too? Hopefully, (and cheerful fingers crossed :-D) they will because I work in retail and I am trying to sell online too. I often wonder how things will change in the future. Will everyone eventually shop online?  

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Weekend of October 12

Well, I'm trying something new. I'll just have to see how it goes and where it goes. I'm thinking of selling my photos and designs in person in addition to zazzle.com/ekirschthings  and cafepress.com.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Chill Time

Well, my husband is working tonight so I've watching some TV while on my laptop. Earlier I started clearing out the garden a bit. I want have it cleared before Halloween so I can decorate it. I've never tried that , so we will see how that goes if we ever get around to doing it. There are still plenty of flowers in it now. It's gone wild because of high temperatures, rain and lack of time (or forgetting) to take care of it. Hey, it could look worse. I was wondering why the mulch didn't keep the grass from growing around the plants. At least it seemed to keep they really tough weeds away, I must be more careful with how I plant things next year. I wanted to take photos of it but it was just too wild. It's surprising that no jungle animals came running out of it. Ha Ha. Well, it's not that will of course. It seems that perhaps planting stuff earlier while it isn't so hot out could help next time. Also going slow would work.
While I was working yesterday and  I was putting out beads, a thought came to me. I began wondering if I could make some jewelry myself and sell it. Could I do it? Would be another idea that gets started then sidelined? Would it make me crazy if I tried and then toss it aside? Hmm, something to consider. Flea Markets.... can I sell stuff plus my photos...
I've created more things out of photos today and the last few days. Feel free to check them out under zazzle.com/ekirschthings or  zazzle.com/ekirschthingsholiday. Also on cafepress.com.  




This Sunday, we will be going to Paoli to see family. I figure that perhaps we can check out a park near there and I can take some photos. We shall see...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Well the weekend is here...

I'm not sure what we'll be doing. We just got back from our shortened vacation. I took lots of photos.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hey Everyone,
Well, made another sale on zazzle.com/ekirschthings*. If you get a minute, go check it out. Hopefully I will squeeze in some time to take more pictures tonight or this weekend.
Have a good one.