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Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Weekend is here

Well, it's now the weekend. The time is limited for me to get some photos in. I'm hoping to do so today. It's a sunny day so that will help. Maybe I will get some night shots too. Now, tomorrow they are forecasting for some snow. So, it could go either way for Sunday. It will be a play it by ear day.
This was the snowstorm that wasn't much for here a few days ago. It was much worse elsewhere. You never know with these storms what will happen.

Don't forget that Valentine's Day is coming up. Be sure to check out zazzle.com/Ekirschthingsholiday*.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Weather about 5am

Well, we got some snow. It started last night. It may have stopped. Let me take a peak....
I got some photos through the window with the iPad. It's a little dark... This is what I got

It's not a lot of snow, just a dusting. So will I venture out this weekend? I'll have to think about it.
In the mean time check out 
