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Monday, November 16, 2015

Things going on

Well, I was on vacation a few weeks ago. I took tons of photos in Maine and New England. This weekend I took some at the Philadelphia Zoo.

Be sure to check out my site.

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Eclipse of the moon was this past weekend.

The Eclipse of the moon was this past weekend. We were lucky to get to see it. My husband and I were in Delaware at the time of the lunar eclipse. Many in Philly were unable to see it because of clouds. We saw the beginning but not the end of the eclipse. It was a cool thing to see. I tried to get some photos of it and they turned out alright.

Thanks for reading. Be sure to check my sites out.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Eclipse - It's a Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight

Tonight it is The Super Blood Moon Eclipse. I'm in the car with my husband and I'm hoping to catch it with my camera. It should be starting within the next hour or so. Stay tuned. 😉
Be sure to check out zazzle.com/ekirschthings*

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Pope in Philadelphia

The Pope is in Philadelphia this weekend. He is here for The World Meeting of Families.
 The security is tight. The parking is out of site. I hope there isn't a fight, with people bumping left or right. Roads are shut down. Yes all over downtown. Let The Pope speak and don't make a sound.
Welcome Pope Francis to Philly, I hope you enjoy your stay and find time to laugh yourself silly.  :-D

Thanks for reading my blog. Be sure to check out  my sites.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Photos of the City of Philadelphia and The Super Moon

Saturday, I was out taking photos. I took many throughout Philadelphia. We went around the city and stopped at several places where I took some shots. We went by The Betsy Ross House, The Graff House were The Declaration of Independence was written and The Philadelphia Museum of Art. We also went to Belmont Plateau. There we saw the Super moon. I need more practice with nighttime photography but still got some interesting shots.

See more at zazzle.com/ekirschthings*

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Weekend is Here

It's the weekend. For some it will be hectic with so much to do or places to go. Just remember to take some time to enjoy the time and be sure to relax. Sometimes you need to slow done and take a deep breath. You can do something that you enjoy. If there's time go to a park, go for walk, read what interest you or watch a movie. 
Thanks for reading my blog. Have an interesting weekend.
Don't forget to look for me on http://www.pixoto.com/eileen.macwilliamskirsch

Sunday, August 23, 2015


We got some free time this weekend. Friday we were with friends in Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. I took some photos while we were out and about it. Here is poster of one of them for sale. http://www.zazzle.com/bicycles_photo_poster-228151360056074009?rf=238423181208756833

Saturday, we went to Peace Valley Park and got a flat tire. Eventually, we took a walk around the park. I took some photos of the lake and we lucked out and came across a heron. I took several photos of the bird who just kept siting by the lake. I managed to get some close-ups too.

Check out my latest photos.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Tall Ships In Philadelphia

On Friday, I went to Penn's Landing in Philadelphia to see the Tall Ships. They were there for this weekend and also they were in Camden , NJ. I opted to only walk around since I was alone when I went. There were around six ships or so on the Philly side. You could see some interesting people dressed up there too.

If you would like to see more check out zazzle.com/ekirschthings*

Friday, June 12, 2015

Graduation Time

It'a now graduation time. It's when the student leaves a former way of life and begins a new one. Some will go on to college, start a new career or a new life. It is both exciting and frightening at the same time. Good luck to all and may things go well for all of those graduating.
This is something a grad might want to wear on there cap:


Look for me here  zazzle.com/EKirschParty*

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Well, this weekend will be somewhat hard to fit things in. Such is life I guess. I am hoping to get some time to fit in some photography. You know practice makes perfect. Looking at videos on YouTube has helped me to understand more things about taking pictures. Now, if only I can remember the some things so I can try them out. I really need to get out of the auto mode of the camera and get into the manual mode. Shooting at night turned out pretty cool. I'd like to try some more of that among others. These were done with using a long expose. These shots were of traffic along the highway at night while in the passenger seat of a moving car.This is without a tripod, so they didn't turn out as expected but they were still interesting.

You can see more at zazzle.com/ekirschthings*
         http://www.zazzle.com/traffic_long_exposure_decal_wall_stickers-256961504286518796?rf=238423181208756833I have since taken some while using a tripod in another location. Here they are below.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shinning. There is a nice cool breeze flowing. I opened up the windows to air out the place. The cats were happy with that and sat on the windowsill. This should be a good weekend to capture images of the Cherry Blossom Trees. I was thinking of taking some shots during the day and trying some at night.
Thanks for reading. 

Check out my sites on 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

This Weekend April 8,2015

Well, this week seems to be a rain and cloudy filled week outside. This weekend so far looks to be a nice one! Yay! It will be mid to high 60's this weekend. That sounds good to me. The cherry blossoms should be blooming real nice by then. I got some good photos of them a few years ago. Hopefully, there will be more taken this weekend. There is a Cherry Blossom Festival in the city too. You will see some people dressed up in unique ways there. Have a good week and a better weekend!

Check out my sites.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Memory Cards

So, I noticed a memory card laying around. Today, it was uploaded to the laptop. It contained only four photos only one might be usable. This is good because it can be reused. Then I thought, I'll check my old camera and the waterproof camera. It is only waterproof for a couple of feet or so. Many of these photos could be on the old laptop. The second and third memory cards have a lot more photos on them. Perhaps, they could be useful? I like to save them to store pictures along with the laptop.
Have a good day.

Be sure to check out my sites.


I'm also on Foap.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hey the weekend is here. Spring is here...well that's what you thought and the Snow was back.

Oh welcome Spring! What!? Snow?? Yes with slush.Yesterday was the First Day of Spring, I was greeted with a fall. I slipped down the steps on my butt. It was only about four steps. My husband helped me up and I am just a little sore. It could have be worse. I was too busy walking and talking that I fell. Well, you find out the hard way that you can slip on the slush if you aren't paying attention. Hopefully, spring temperatures will arrive soon and nice weather with that. Often spring is short in Philadelphia, it tends to turn into summer temperatures after a sometimes lingering winter. I'm looking forward to the spring and nicer weather.
Here are some recent photos.

Sunday, March 8, 2015



Daylight Savings Time...

Well, I'm glad about the time change. (not the loss of sleep) The sun will go down later. There will be more opportunities now to get more sunset photos. I might go take some tonight. Last night my husband and I were out taking photos in the city. I need to work on my photos when it's dark out. I managed to use a small tripod and get some shots of the moon, (finally)

Don't forget to check out my stores zazzle.com/Ekirschthingsholiday* 

Saturday, February 21, 2015







Hey Everybody, It's Saturday February 21,2015

Wow, it's been a very cold week. The temps were in the single digits. Brrr. Today, it's warmer in the 20's and snowing. We have another winter storm warning. This one is for snow, ice and rain. Oh joy! If it were just snow it would be easier. It is what it is. I don't expect to get photos this weekend, but who knows? I have uploaded many pictures that I have taken in the last few weeks. So I will be posting more products for sale. Recently, in West Philadelphia there was a fire. It was freezing outside and while trying to control the blaze the building was frozen.  See more on my site:  http://www.zazzle.com/building_frozen_west_philadelphia_poster-228755615911643407

Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow storm again, sleet or rain

There's been another storm warning. Oh fun. They are saying snow with sleet and rain. It's such a joy, well; not really. If it were just snow that would be OK but I don't like ice. I'll just have to wait and see.

Check out zazzle.com/ekirschthings*

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Weekend is here

Well, it's now the weekend. The time is limited for me to get some photos in. I'm hoping to do so today. It's a sunny day so that will help. Maybe I will get some night shots too. Now, tomorrow they are forecasting for some snow. So, it could go either way for Sunday. It will be a play it by ear day.
This was the snowstorm that wasn't much for here a few days ago. It was much worse elsewhere. You never know with these storms what will happen.

Don't forget that Valentine's Day is coming up. Be sure to check out zazzle.com/Ekirschthingsholiday*.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Weather about 5am

Well, we got some snow. It started last night. It may have stopped. Let me take a peak....
I got some photos through the window with the iPad. It's a little dark... This is what I got

It's not a lot of snow, just a dusting. So will I venture out this weekend? I'll have to think about it.
In the mean time check out 
